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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

After 25 years the Newcastle Transplant Unit has become a leading renal transplant unit in Australia, a reputation gained from its service quality, innovation, research and development. It also has an emerging international standing and is one of the excellent health service units in Hunter New England Local Health Network

Our Story

Transplantation is one of the major medical triumphs of the last 60 years. It not only saves lives; it restores life allowing people with organ failure to go forward and lead fulfilling lives after transplantation.

Over this time improved outcomes for patients have been achieved because research findings have been carefully applied to recipients and live donors. However, major problems in transplantation remain unsolved e.g. chronic rejection, tolerance and transplant- related cancer. The good news is they can be solved by scientific research combined with collaboration between transplant scientists and clinicians. Now new opportunities to solve these problems have come about because the human gene structure has been defined. Therefore todays research becomes tomorrows transplant practice.

We are establishing a world class facility at the John Hunter Hospital campus. We will appoint a Professor of Transplant Immunology with international standing to lead the centre.

Meet the Team

We have a great team of scientists and clinicians who are leaders in their field. They are driven by passion for transplantation and delivering better outcomes for Transplant recipients

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